Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Ghost Multicasting :: essays research papers

Apparition Multicasting permits one PC, the Ghost Server, to download a Ghost picture from the Server and afterward diverts the picture to different workstations, the Ghost Clients, using TCP/IP settings over the system. The principle bit of leeway of Ghost Multicasting is that the downloading time is very abbreviated as just a single PC is downloading the picture off the Server which significantly lessens the danger of substantial system traffic. The main impediment is that the PC picked to be the Ghost Server must have enough free hard drive space to store the picture which will at that point be redistributed. The Two Methods Of Ghost Multicasting. Physically Specified Ghost Multicast †Utilizing this strategy you need to physically allot novel IP addresses for the Client PCs by utilizing and arranging the wattcp.cfg document situated on each Clients’ boot plate. Consequently Specified Ghost Multicast †This subsequent technique is by utilizing Windows NT to consequently appoint IP delivers to the Client PCs by the utilization of the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, or DHCP, remembered for Windows NT ver. 4.00. Physically Specified Ghost Multicasting: Setting Up Ghost Server Disk 1. Set up a boot circle that incorporates and stacks the fundamental system drivers and maps the plate pictures registry from the system. 2. Duplicate over the DOS Ghost Server program (dosghsrv.exe) to a similar plate and add it to the autoexec.bat record. 3. Duplicate over the wattcp.cfg record to the circle and change the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway as indicated by arrange. (A unique IP Address ought to be designated for the Server PC) Setting Up Client Disks 1. Get ready boot circles in a similar request for the server boot plate however duplicate over ghost.exe rather than dosghsrv.exe. 2. Alter the wattcp.cfg and include a special IP Address for each boot plate. (Generally IP Addresses would have been set up before for the particular utilization of recognizing apparition customer PCs) Ghosting Client PCs 1. Burden up the PC which will go about as the Ghost Server with the Server Boot Disk and burden dosghsrv.exe from the DOS order brief. 2. Type in a Session Name and select the Image File from the circle pictures catalog on the system. 3. Start up Client PCs with the exceptional Boot Disks and burden ghost.exe. From the Ghost Server, you should see the IP Addresses of the Clients show up in the window as every Client PC stacks the Ghost program. 4. When each Client PCs’ IP Address can be found in the Ghost Server window, you can choose them all by tapping on Accept Clients.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Black Cat Essay -- essays research papers

â€Å"The Black Cat,† by Edgar Allan Poe      â€Å"The Black Cat,† a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, is about a man who is in prison admitting to killing his significant other. He starts of by expressing that he was cheerfully hitched to a decent excellent lady, and the couple had numerous creatures. Among those creatures was a dark feline named Pluto and this feline is the narrator’s most loved creature. The feline and the storyteller built up an incredible relationship and are practically indivisible. The storyteller before long turns into a heavy drinker and one day he comes back from a town bar very much inebriated and attempts to pet the feline. The feline attempts to dodge him in dread of savagery and when the man snatches the feline, it chomps him in the hand. Out of anger, the storyteller removes one of his eyes. The following day the man acknowledges what he did and ...

Friday, August 7, 2020

There Are Four Archetypal Developer Personas Which One Are You

There Are Four Archetypal Developer Personas â€" Which One Are You Meister HQ was recently taken over by students! Don’t panic, it wasn’t a hostile takeover. Best we explain a little more. We hosted a few international management students from the Vienna University of Economics and Business, who, as part of a project they were working on, went around and interviewed a couple of developers, ours included. This yielded a few interesting insights. The article below is just an example of that. This is what they had to say about how, through personas, software companies can attract potential developers with a view to hire them. What are Personas? A persona is a fictional figure or archetype that has been formulated as a direct result of grouping individuals together. The way individuals are grouped together â€" whether it be by demographics, behavioral patterns, motivations or goals â€" will affect the type of persona created.   A very broad (and basic) example would be grouping together all females with children as “moms”, then finding the characteristics and personality traits that all moms have in common in order to create the archetypal fictional figure â€" that would be the “mom persona”. This is very important, because personas need to be based on real people, real behaviors, real motivations and goals in order for them to be effective. The History of Personas The personas idea has its roots in marketing, but has gained popularity for its application in talent acquisition. Before we go into how personas can be applied, let’s outline the challenges recruiters face. Since our main focus was on software developers, we’ll focus on the challenges faced by software companies.   Firstly, sourcing talent isn’t easy as the talent pool is often limited i.e. few developers, many jobs. Secondly, recruiters have to consider that great talent doesn’t always equal great fit â€" the applicant might have the suitable skills, but will they fit into the company culture? And, into the existing team? This is where the use of personas can help.   Personas in Recruitment Prospective employers that are aware of the specific personas relevant to their industry have an easier time navigating through the labour market. This is because personas can help sift through aspiring candidates and sort them from those who would be potential fits and those who would not. This could significantly narrow down the search and deliver only quality candidates. We set out to uncover the different types of personas within the software industry in Vienna, Austria. This project involved finding software developers to interview. Sounds easy right? Wrong. We canvassed at universities, companies, and even online. Our research took us three months, hours of interviews at university campuses and various companies. The result…a goldmine of insights! Piecing Together the Persona Puzzle   We asked our interviewees a wide array of questions, ranging from demographics to career motivations. The aim was to gather enough data in order to get more of an understanding of what employees expect from their employers. This led to many interesting learnings, like: did you know that the team, work-life balance, the software product and career development are the most important factors that programmers consider when looking for a job?   But developing concrete personas still involved going further and digging deeper. Upon analyzing our research and comparing notes, we noticed a pattern emerging. Many of those we interviewed expressed similar feelings towards certain aspects of their professional life. These were our puzzle pieces. Adding these pieces together built the first four software developer personas: Kim, Robin, Alex and Charlie.   (Note: for ease of explanation, we’ve chosen to give each persona group a name. However, the names are by no means a reflection of gender i.e. not all Kims are female nor are all Alexes male.) Kim: The Early Beginner Kim is someone in her early 20s. Still too young to remember the greatness of ICQ and Napster. She could either be working in her first job or still be a student, studying computer science at a technical university. Kim often has little or no prior work experience. And if she’s worked before, she hasn’t yet chosen her area of specialization (front-end/back-end/mobile etc.). Kim is often inquisitive and curious. She is often known for constantly asking questions, wanting to find out more about the ins and outs of programming. Due to her lack of experience, Kim is primarily focused on learning. This means that the “Kim” persona would look to work for a company with leaders that empower staff and that has a supportive culture that’s conducive to learning. She isn’t driven by salary and therefore has limited salary demands. She is usually single, extroverted and enjoys social activities. Robin: Time for a ChangeSoon Robin is in his mid 20s and has completed his formal education, such as a Bachelor’s degree in computer science. He is probably on his second or third job but has reached the ceiling in his current job, as in, he has learnt a lot and gained experience but would be keen on taking the next step to further his career. Even though he probably hasn’t taken any steps to find a new job (applied), he is on the lookout for something challenging as well as purposeful. In his current role, he can be found working in a specialized programming area (front-end/back-end/mobile). On a personal level, he is probably in a relationship, he is also quite introverted and self-aware.   He enjoys working on complicated tasks and really wants to be involved and feel a part of the company. He values transparency and is happy working with inspiring leaders. He’s keen to know what is going on and where the company is headed. Salary isn’t his top priority (as long as it is not too far below average). In stead, Robin appreciates non-financial rewards, especially those that make him feel valued for his work. Alex: The Focused Careerist Alex is in his mid to late 20s. He has a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in computer science or a related field. Because Alex studied and worked at the same time, he gained approximately three or four years worth of programming experience, this makes him highly specialized. He knows that he is good at what he does. He’s also very much aware of his market value, which, according to him, is quite high. This makes the Alex persona career oriented. When looking for jobs, he won’t settle for anything less than working for the best company in his field of interest (or for a company with the best reputation). At work, Alex requires a high degree of autonomy and opportunities to progress in his career. Since Alex is very focused on his career, he doesn’t have much time for a relationship outside of work; you could say that he is married to his career. Charlie: Work 2.0 Charlie is in her late 20s to mid 30s. She has a Bachelors degree but not necessarily in IT. She’s a self-taught developer. Her coding is unconventional and she mixes genius lines with simple errors. She seeks to reinvent her software development career but the how is still unclear. Charlie has a family, which makes financial stability and work-life balance essential. She’s new to the industry and thus looks for a company that offers a supportive, people-oriented environment, where she can learn and improve her skills. While the size of her paycheck is not unimportant, her salary demands are lower than those of Alex and Robin.   Which Persona Are You?   Obviously Kim, Robin, Alex, and Charlie don’t cover all developers. It’s possible that people are a mixture of two personas or perhaps share common qualities with all four of them. Take the questionnaire below to find out which person you are most similar to: Attracting Personas: Defining Your Company’s EVP So we’ve given you a brief history about personas, told you how the concept originated, and defined four software developer personas in Vienna. It’s time to circle back and give companies a way to use this information in order to attract and recruit new talent.   The type of personas which your company should hire will depend on several factors such as: your company’s hiring and growth strategy, the company culture, and the personas you already have working within your company (as some personas work together better than others). A good persona-company fit is essential. Personas have the potential to impact company culture. Mapping out the existing personas represented in your company is a good place to start.   Then carefully assess your current Employee Value Proposition (EVP). Talentlyft defines a company’s EVP refers to “the balance of rewards and benefits that employees receive from their employers in return for their performance at the workplace”. It’s an employee-centred approach that is directly linked to talent acquisition and retention. It brings together company culture, brand, internal processes, and employee benefits. All of these together make up a company’s EVP.   Here are three simple questions that can help your company define its EVP and they are: What do my current employees love about my company? What are the benefits employees gain upon choosing to work at my company? What would make potential employees choose to work at my company as opposed to any other? The answer to these questions should give you your company’s EVP. You then need to see whether it resonates with the EVP desired by the personas you wish to hire. If it doesn’t, take the necessary steps to bridge those gaps. But, if there is a match, your company should try and leverage this in its employer branding strategy in order to hire the most suitable personas.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Media Violence and the Decline of America - 1786 Words

â€Å"Corporate greed is the beating heart of America!† (Law Order) There is an insatiable hunger that strikes every commercial business. It is an unquenchable desire for more money. Who wants more money? Most corporations do not have to think more than once about this question. They already know the answer. Their only mission is to increase the amount of money they make in one way or another, and to discover effective ways to acquire even more of this coveted resource. Businesses exist for money and use money to exist. Quite simply, they are controlled by how much money they have or how much debt they have. They are controlled entirely by greed and the love of money. The truth is that most corporations would do anything in order to†¦show more content†¦On the other hand, this study did show that in 1996 to 1997 there was a decrease in the number of series on the air that contained violence, but that in the third year of the study the number of shows containing vio lent content began increasing again, and the shows contained â€Å"real or re-created images of animals attacking or killing people.† Furthermore, Carol Olsen proclaims, in an article titled â€Å"Carol Olson: Senior Columnist: Too much violence on TV and movies†, it states shockingly â€Å"there has been a mass shooting somewhere in America ALMOST monthly since 2009†. Her belief is that the violence in the media, including video games, teaches the viewer to â€Å"shoot and kill people just for the fun of it† and that in addition to that the reality based television programs portray family members that behave badly toward one another. Dishonesty and loss of values are what is portrayed by these families via many lies and deceitful behavior, and Olsen’s belief is that it is not possible to be surrounded by so much cruelty and anger without it having an effect on you; I agree wholeheartedly. Contrarily, some of the supporters of these types of pro grams defer to the first amendment and claim that censorship violates their freedom of speech, and in a way I agree that it does; however, I believe as a society we must weigh the pros and the cons, and that theShow MoreRelatedGun Laws And Gun Control1296 Words   |  6 Pagesseveral years, gun violence has been an urgent issue that should be addressed. According to the gun violence archive, 307 mass shootings have occurred since January 1 to November 5. The deadliest mass shooting in us history had just recently occurred on Sunday, October 1. Steve paddock had purchased their guns legally in which caused approximately 500 people to be injured and 38 people had been killed. 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To answer this question, we must first describe spirituality and culture separately, and then fuse them in the end. In the dictionary, it states that spirituality is the state or quality of being dedicated to God, religion, or spiritual things or values, especially as contrasted with material or temporal ones. Spirituality to me basically is the act of uniting with a higher being, whether it is an understanding or concept whichRead MoreEssay on Censorship - News Must not be Censored615 Words   |  3 Pageshappening in our society. Some, on the other hand, claim the news media are only interested in increasing their ratings and do so by reporting events that are violent in nature. Those who believe this also think that violence in the news has a direct effect on our society. Its precise effect would be dictating a societys behavior. Because the news is an informative service and the crime rates are decreasing one can claim that the news media is just a reflection of society. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Definition and Examples of Epizeuxis in Rhetoric

Epizeuxis is a rhetorical term for the repetition of a word or phrase for emphasis, usually with no words in between. It is pronounced ep-uh-ZOOX-sis. It is also known as: cuckowspell, doublet, geminatio, underlay, and palilogia. In ​The Garden of Eloquence (1593), Henry Peacham defines epizeuxis as: A figure whereby a word is repeated, for the greater vehemence, and nothing put between: and it is used commonly with a swift pronunciation... This figure may serve aptly to expresse the  vehemence of any affection, whether it be of joy, sorrow, love, hatred, admiration or any such like. Examples ofEpizeuxis Mr. McCrindle had a sloping field. A sloping field! As if a farmer didnt have enough to worry about! (Magnus Mills, The Restraint of Beasts. Flamingo, 1998)Waitress: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Bloody vikings. You cant have egg, bacon, Spam and sausage without the Spam.Mrs. Bun: I dont like Spam!Mr. Bun: Shh dear, dont cause a fuss. Ill have your Spam. I love it. Im having Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, baked beans, Spam, Spam, Spam, and Spam. (Monty Python, the Spam sketch)I undid the lantern cautiously--oh, so cautiously--cautiously. (Edgar Allan Poe, The Tell-Tale Heart, 1843)I love scotch. Scotchy, scotch, scotch. Here it goes down, down into my belly. (Will Ferrell in Anchorman, 2004)Theres little in taking or giving,Theres little in water or wine;This living, this living, this livingWas never a project of mine.(Dorothy Parker, Coda)Bad, fast! Fast! Fast! Last night I cut the light off in my bedroom, hit the switch and was in the bed before the room was dark. (Muhammad Ali, When We Were Kings, 1996)And my poor fool is hanged! No, no, no life!Why should a dog, a horse, a rat have life,And thou no breath at all? Thoult come no more,Never, never, never, never!(William Shakespeare, King Lear)Phil Spector tamps his frontal lobes and closes his eyes and holds his breath. As long as he holds his breath, it will not rain, there will be no raindrops, no schizoid water wobbling, sideways, straight back, it will be an even, even, even, even, even, even, even world. (Tom Wolfe, The First Tycoon of Teen. The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby, 1965)Its a twister! Its a twister! (Zeke in The Wizard of Oz, 1939)Strong men also cry. Strong men also cry. (The Big Lebowski in The Big Lebowski, 1998)Give me a break! Give me a break! Break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar! (advertising jingle)Im shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here! (Captain Renault in Casablanca, 1942)All you hear from guys is desire, desire, desire, knocking its way out of the breast, and fear, striking and striking. Enough already! (Saul Bellow, Henderson the Rain King. Viking, 1959)For a nation which has an almost evil reputation for bustle, bustle, bustle, and rush, rush, rush, we spend an enormous amount of time standing around in line in front of windows, just waiting. (Robert Benchley, Back in Line. Benchley--or Else! 1947)Frank: Where’s the island? Where’s the island? Where the hell’s the island?Hurley: It’s gone.(â€Å"There’s No Place Like Home.† Lost, 2008)Oh you need fluff, fluff, fluffTo make a fluffer nutter,Marshmallow fluff and lots of peanut butter.First you spread, spread, spreadYour bread with peanut butter,Add marshmallow fluff and have a fluffernutter.(advertising jingle)All around me are familiar facesWorn out places, worn out facesBright and early for their daily racesGoing nowhere, going nowhere.(Tears for Fears, Mad World)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Nature and Relationship of Hitler and Geli Raubal. Free Essays

The last time the public had seen Geli Raubal was when Hitler was heard to shout at h as he was about to get into his car: â€Å"For the last time, no! † She shouted. After he left Raubal shot herself through the heart with a revolver. It has been said and believed that Hitler and his niece Geli Raubal were romantically involved; although there is no forthright proof, the vicious consequences Raubal was forced to go though throughout their time together is strong enough proof to convince a majority of the people that she was driven so far to the edge that she committed suicide. We will write a custom essay sample on The Nature and Relationship of Hitler and Geli Raubal. or any similar topic only for you Order Now Geli Raubal was a typical content adolescent before she came into the likes of her uncle, Adolf Hitler. When Adolf Hitler rented a house in Obersalzberg after he was released from prison, he asked his half-sister, Angela Raubal, to be his housekeeper. She agreed and in August 1928 brought Geli with her to stay with Hitler. This is when his admiration for the love and youth of the Aryan race were able to be exercised as he looked into the eyes of Raubal. It was the fact that her presence released Hitler as she was â€Å"Allowed to laugh at her Uncle Alf and adjust his tie when it had slipped. She was never put under pressure to be specially clever or specially witty. She could be simply what she was – lively and uncomplicated. † – Emil Maurice and her pure Arian-bred features intrigued Hitler so much to the point in which his infatuation was more important than morality and the incorrectness of incest. Hitler proudly introduced Raubal to members of the Nazi party and other guests at social events. Baldur Von Schirach quotes â€Å"In his tone of voice there was a mixture of pride and tenderness as he introduced ‘My niece, Fraulein Raubal. † However, he made sure she was watched closely due to the fact that he protected her to a great extent. As Hitler rose to power as the leader of the Nazi party, he insured a tight rein over Raubal. Nevertheless, Hitler’s efforts to control Geli were at times unsuccessful as she was a free-spirited young woman who often did as she pleased whenever and wherever possible. He did not allow her to assoc iate with friends freely and attempted to have himself or some one he trusted greatly near her at all times, accompanying her on window shopping excursions, the movies and the opera. However, Raubal did not seem to return his feelings and became linked to Emil Maurice, a founding member of the SS and Hitler’s chauffer. Subsequent to when Hitler discovered their relationship he dismissed Maurice instantly. In a letter from Raubal to Maurice that was found, Raubal says â€Å"Uncle Adolf is insisting that we should wait two years. Think of it, Emil, two whole years of only being able to kiss each other now and then and always having Uncle Adolf in charge. I can only give you my love and be unconditionally faithful to you. I love you so infinitely much. Uncle Adolf insists that I should go on with my studies†. Many believe this was not the case, since Adolf said himself to Heinrich Hoffman that he could â€Å"marry her†. Due to this, the jealousy Hitler felt was taken to a whole new level and began so noticeably suffocate Raubal with his jealousy. It was said that Hitler was not the only one who was protestant. Raubal began to become concerned about Hitler’s relationship with nineteen year old, Eva Braun, whom Hitler used to â€Å"take out for rides in his Mercede’s† (Quote: Unknown member of the S. S) which then led to a public relationship. The demonstration of feelings such as jealousy is what led the public to believe that Raubal also had feelings for Hitler. An SA officer, Wilhelm Stocker, who Raubal often confided in told in an interview that â€Å"She admitted to me that at times Hitler made her do things in the privacy of her room that sickened her but when I asked her why she didn’t refuse to do them she just shrugged and said that she didn’t want to lose him† also illustrating that she was flattered by Hitler’s gallantry and generosity. She also complained about the way Hitler controlled her life. On September 8, 1931, Hitler left for Hamburg after having a blazing row with her over her desire to spend some time in Vienna. Hitler was heard to shout at her as he was about to get into his car: â€Å"For the last time, no! † After he left she shot herself through the heart with a revolver. Raubal was found dead from the gunshot wound in Hitler’s Munich apartment on the morning of September 19, 1931, at the age of twenty three. The official cause of death was listed as suicide; most historians surmise that Raubal was distraught over her incestual relationship with Hitler, could not escape it, and killed herself as a result. However, at the time Hitler already had considerable influence with the Munich police, so it cannot be known if they were being objective. There were many rumours, including one that Hitler had in fact shot her (or had her shot) for infidelity, since the bullet came from Hitler’s gun and that she committed suicide because she was expecting Hitler’s child. By all accounts, they argued intensely in the days leading to her death. Nobody knows what really happened between the two. After her death, Hitler threatened to commit suicide himself. Historians have written that Hitler was deeply in love with her, that she was the love of his life and that after her death he was a changed man for the worse. He even turned vegetarian as he claimed â€Å"meat reminded him of Raubal’s corpse†. Hitler had early ambitions to make his way as an artist and continued to draw sporadically after he entered politics. The many sketches of his which survived the war included some ordinary nudes and at least one of these depicted Raubal. Bibliography: Spartacus Educational, 2009 – http://www. spartacus. schoolnet. co. uk/GERraubal. htm Spiritus Temporis, copyright 2005 – http://www. spiritus-temporis. com/geli-raubal/ Lycos Retriever, copyright 2005 Lycos Inc – http://www. lycos. com/info/eva-braun–geli-raubal. html All Experts, About, Inc, 2007 – http://en. allexperts. com/e/g/ge/geli_raubal. htm How to cite The Nature and Relationship of Hitler and Geli Raubal., Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

Asses the view that in todays society the family is losing free essay sample

Asses the view that in todays society the family is losing its functions. We usually define the word family with a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household but to many sociologists, this definition is narrow and is not a very accurate way of describing a family. According to Murdock (1949) the family is a social group which is identified by common residence, economic and reproduction whereas Giddens (1993) states that the family is directly linked by kin connections where the adult members take on the responsibility of caring for the children. These definitions from various sociologists gives us a clearer understanding of what a family is but also, it could be argued that it does not address different family types and also the functions it has for society. To a certain extent, the family in todays society is in fact losing its functions. For instance, Murdock (1949) argues that the family performs four universal functions, one of these is socialisation, he believes that the family is responsible for providing the children with basic skills and habits that will allow them to conform to the norms and values of society and therefore giving them a sense of belonging. We will write a custom essay sample on Asses the view that in todays society the family is losing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, in the case of a feral child called Genie (November 4, 1970), this was wrong as she was confined in a small room deprived of any human contact, this means the socialisation function of the family was never taught to her by her parents. She never knew how to talk which meant that she could not fit into society as a normal human being. Moreover, many children in todays society are not properly socialised by their familys, therefore institutions such as schools teach them secondary or primary socialisation which means that the family is losing its socialisation function s it is being replaced by other institutions, this is known as structural differentiation according to Talcott Parsons. Furthermore, functionalists such as Murdock (1949) believe that the nuclear family is the ideal family type. He stated that the nuclear family consists of adults of both sexes, at least of whom maintain a socially approved sexual relationship and one or more children, own or adopted. It could be argued that Murdocks view about the nuclear family is not universal as some societies have very different domestic arrangements. For instance, in todays society different family types are on the rise, his include single parents, gay couples and child free couples. This clearly goes against Murdocks theory and the nuclear family, moreover this suggests that society in the UK is increasingly changing therefore we could criticise that Murdocks theory is outdated and that the traditional family (nuclear) in todays society is becoming dysfunctional and less relevant. On the other hand, we could argue that the family in todays society still maintains its human body, they state that each part performs functions that contribute to the wellbeing of society as a whole. Parsons puts forward the idea of irreducible unctions. One of these functions is called the stabilisation of the adult personality where the family acts as a form of emotional support for the adult members, this is known as the warm batch theory. This theory is very relevant today as there are many problems such as the inflation and economic problems in the I-JK, therefore the family allows them to unwind and escape these harsh realities of society. In conclusion, i believe that the family in todays society is losing its functions. Many institutions today has replaced these traditional functions whereas in the past it was up to the family to perform these tasks. An example of this is the NHS in the UK where healthcare is free and the family does not have to worry about nurturing a sick relative to health unlike before where only wealthy families could afford such things. Furthermore, functionalists such as Murdock and Parsons created theories which were much more relevant during their time due to the fact that families such as the nuclear family were common before unlike today where different family types are increasing in society. This suggests that society is changing rapidly and therefore traditional functions of the family is slowly becoming replaced or has lost its relevance.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Ethics and views behind reproduction Essays - Human Reproduction

Ethics and views behind reproduction IVF Issues - Facts, Figures, Ethical and Emotional Issues A) SCIENTIFIC ISSUES 1) European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology 2008 REPORT for 2005 data : Please note the current success rate for IVF in Ireland is only 21.1% (in keeping with the European-wide average). This figure is reported as "deliveries per IVF cycle started in Ireland. The study abstract fails to report this figure and confusingly reports "clinical pregnancies per aspiration or per embryo transfer" ranging from 26.9% up to 30.3%. It is important to realise this is not the success rate per 100 people who started treatment but selective reporting of a sub-group within the study. According to ESHRE's data 15 to 24% of all IVF pregnancies ended in miscarriage! Only 21.1 per hundred couples achieved a successful delivery, for the most recent data available in Ireland. Interestingly Italy only have an 8% live birth rate, where they have legal guidelines to protect the embryo from conception. This shows that to achieve a reasonable success rate with IVF, you must be prepared to produce excess embryos over and above the one or two you intend to replace. This is p roblematic if one considers the scientific evidence that hu man life begins at conception. 2) IVF Not proven to be effective for unexplained Infertility : IVF is becoming popular when there is no specific explanation for infertility as it may be able to overcome a variety of problems. However, it is expensive, complicated and can have many adverse effects (including multiple births). The review of trials found that IVF ......... research is not conclusive. Adverse outcomes and costs have not been adeq uately addressed in the trials. 3) IVF BABIES AT MORE RISK OF BIRTH DEFECTS THAN NATURALLY CONCEIVED BABIES : Children conceived with assisted reproductive technology (ART), for example IVF, have about twice the risk of having a major birth defect or low birth weight than children conceived naturally, Australian and US studies show. In the Australian study, children conceived with ART had a 9 per cent chance of a major birth defect compared with a 4 per cent chance in naturally conceived children. The study was published in the medical journal New England Journal of Medicine (2002; 346: 725-30). This increased risk was the same whether the children were from single or multiple pregnancies, the review of all births in Western Australia showed. The use of ART also increased the chances of multiple major defects, chromosomal and musculoskeletal defects. Age of the mother and parity (the number of times she has given birth before) and the sex of the child did not affect the results. The US study showed a 2.3 per cent increased risk of low birth weight in term singleton children (as oppo sed to children from multiple births, such as twins) conceived with ART compared to children conceived naturally (New England Journal of Medicine 2002; 3 46: 731-37). The risk did not vary according to the cause of infertility, and because the mothers were all apparently healthy, the increased risk of low birth weight after ART may be directly related to the techniques themselves, the authors suggested. B) ETHICAL ISSUES 1) Creation and Transfer of a Single Embryo in Reproductive Technology: This paper from the Southern Cross Bioethics institute in Australia, analyses the many complex moral issues involving IVF, even is a couple does everything possible to avoid embryo loss in the process. CLICK HERE for full paper. If one considers that human life begins at conception, when the embryo has a unique genetic code that will guide its growth and development until old age, this paper shows how impossible it is for IVF to be practiced in a way that respects that new life. 2) IVF in the UK - over 2 million embryonic lives lost since 1991 : 2,137,924 human embryos were created by specialists while assisting couples in the UK to have babies between 1991 and 2005, according to BioNews . During this period, the HFEA informs us that the total of live babies born through IVF procedures was 109,469. In other words only 5.1% of all embryos created resulted in a Live Birth. 3) Catholic Church Teaching and

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Inspector Calls (play) essays

Inspector Calls (play) essays Question:"Imagine you are a director writing to an imaginary actress who plays the part of Sheila. Write how you want the actress to play Sheila." I am writing you this letter because I feel it will help you in your acting career to play the part of Sheila in An Inspector Calls. I enclose notes on the play and how I feel your character should be performed. The play itself is set in the year 1912 and the main characters are the Birling family, Arthur and Sybil the parents. Sheila and Eric, their children. The Birlings are a prosperous Edwardian family. Arthur Birling being the head of his own Company. Also central to the play is Gerald Croft, who is set to be engaged to your character Sheila, Inspector Goole and Eva Smith, who never actually appear on stage. At the start of the play the family are celebrating your engagement to Gerald. The Inspector comes to the house with the news that Eva Smith, a young woman, has poisoned herself and died. The plot of the play is centred around this death, and the other characters involvement in it. In your role as Sheila I want you to come across at the beginning as very lively and pleased with life. You need to talk in an excited manner with an exaggerated tone. Sheila likes to be the centre of attention and you will need to interrupt the other characters when they are talking as if only what you are saying is important. By this behaviour you need to make the audience adopt a feeling that you are not a very interesting or likeable character. Your fianc Gerald is also happy with his life, being the son of another manufacturer, Sir George Crof t. At the dinner you need to tease Gerald and be playful towards him. (same tone as before) Yes, thats what you say You are teasing Gerald about being away last summer. When he gives the ring you are the centre of attention and you need to show you are enjoying this by your voice and body actions. You lea...

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Anthropological gender and sexuality and how cultural relativism Essay

Anthropological gender and sexuality and how cultural relativism - Essay Example He died in 2004 after committing suicide. Anthropologists’ analysis reveals that money has been used to change gender identities in the history as well as today. This approach to intersex has been widely used in the developed world such in treating children with sex anatomy problems. Gender roles vary across culture, in that, women perform domestic works while men work in offices, provide security and indeed provide for their families (Visvanathan et al. 78). In the Medline articles, a study conducted in Namibia, Africa shows how men are given priorities to practice polygamy. In the seventeenth century, men and women were assigned with different tasks in the American society. In a family, men provided security and wealth while women performed the domestic works as well as raising the children (Visvanathan et al. 79). Nowadays, the women are working in offices as men, providing for their family as well as having several sexual partners. In some African communities, women still perform the home tasks despite the current civilization. Gender inequalities have been caused by some ideologies that give men more power over women (Visvanathan et al. 90). In African communities, the fact that women are exchanged with money or other forms of wealth such cattle have created gender inequalities for the past years. With the civilization, men are still not ready to support ideologies advocating for gender equality since this would lead to culture crash. Some ideologists advocate for the protection of cultures, beliefs and traditions. In most societies, however, sexual violence against women has been observed (Visvanathan et al. 128). The women’s occupational and educational status remains low since the culture is protected against intervention by foreign parties. However, with the introduction of international human rights commissions and

Monday, February 3, 2020

Compare and Contrast Posner's and Ferguson's Views on the Main Causes Essay

Compare and Contrast Posner's and Ferguson's Views on the Main Causes of the Financial Crisis - Essay Example Many media outputs, including films, articles, and books have outlined various determinants of this economic disorder. One of the most prominent is Charles Ferguson’s film ‘Inside Job’, which won an Academy Award for Best Documentary for its power filmmaking and investigative practices. Another prominent text is Richard Posner’s ‘Crisis of Capitalist Democracy’. This essay compares and contrasts the views of these two individuals -- Posner and Ferguson – in terms of their perspectives on the main causes of the financial crisis. Analysis From the opening credits of Inside Job it’s clear that Posner and Ferguson agree on a number of substantial key contributing factors to the 2008 economic crisis. In these regards, both individuals identify the original spark of the crisis the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Another prominent aspect that both thinkers consider is the nature of financial deregulation as greatly contributing to the crisi s. Both the film and the text provides historical accounts – both Ferguson and Posner’s exploration of the Glass-Steagal Act and Ferguson’s exploration of early era Wall Street – in demonstrating the tremendous shift that occurred in the 2008 economic climate as compared to a bygone conservative era. ... Another of the most notable links between the two texts is the very notion that the American governmental structure may not be able to respond to the significant challenges of the crisis at hand. While Posner emphasizes that a new model of Keynesian economics is needed, he also notes, â€Å"it is not that the economic challenges that we face are insurmountable but that we may lack the governmental structures and political culture requisite for meeting them† (Poster, pg. 7). One sees this echoed in Ferguson perhaps most prominently in the film’s analysis of the links between the financial sector and academia. Ferguson makes the profound and startling insight that the very people who provide the structural education of the economy are themselves on the payroll of these financial firms. In both instances then – Posner and Ferguson’s – there is a profound nihilistic cynicism at the very structure of the American system. Still, as the film and Posnerâ₠¬â„¢s book develop it’s clear there are a number of distinguishing factors. There are a number of overarching considerations. In terms of contrasting elements, one considers the nature of the contrasting mediums. While Ferguson’s film is highly successful in articulating much of the complex process of the crisis, it lacks the in-depth and extended analysis a book can offer. As such, one considers that while the two thinkers may not necessarily stand in theoretical conflict, Posner has the luxury of offering an extended analysis on many elements of the crisis. One trend in these regards is the increased emphasis that Posner places on the citizens that participated in the housing bubble. He writes, â€Å"by pushing up the value of common stock, which made people feel wealthier because their savings were increasingly

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Assessment of Cadmium levels in Chocolate

Assessment of Cadmium levels in Chocolate Research Proposal Assessment of Cadmium levels in chocolate commercialized in Lebanon Josiane Haddad 1- Background and significance Cadmium (Cd) as an element is a soft silver-white transition metal. It is not usually present in the environment as a pure metal, but is most often present in the form of oxides, sulfides, and carbonates. It does not have a taste or odor. Cadmium sulfate and cadmium chloride are quite soluble in water, whereas metal Cd, cadmium oxide and cadmium sulfide are almost insoluble (International Program on Chemical safety [IPCS], 2007). Cd is released from several sources in nature: mobilization of Cd from the Earths crust and mantle due to volcanic activity, mobilization of Cd impurities in extracted raw materials such as phosphate minerals and fossil fuels, release of Cd from products and processes resulting from the use, disposal, recycling, open burning or incineration, releases from municipal installations and release of Cd previously deposited in soils, sediments, landfills and waste or tailings piles (United Nations Environment Program [UNEP], 2010). It is a toxic metal to humans and classified as a carcinogen by the National Toxicology Program (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry [ATSDR], 2004]. In the human body, Cd is mainly stored in the liver and kidneys. Hence, an early effect indicator of Cd toxicity is increased excretion of proteins in urine, kidney proteinuria, which is the result of proximal tubular cell damage. Several other side effects occur depending on the duration and magnitude of exposure. Skeletal damage is another critical effect of chronic Cd exposure at high levels. Cd concentrations in most tissues increase with age since excretion is normally slow, and the biological half-life is very long (10 to 15 years) (Jin T., Lu J. Nordberg M., 1998) in the muscles, kidneys, liver and whole body. In exposed people with renal damage, urinary excretion of Cd increases and so the whole body half-life is shortened. The kidney burden resulting from cumulative exposure to Cd can be assessed by measuring Cd in urine (UNEP, 2010). Epidemiological and experimental studies have associated occupational Cd exposure with several types of cancers including lung, prostate, renal, liver, hematopoietic system, urinary bladder, pancreatic, testis and stomach cancers (Journal of Inorganic biochemistry, 2000; Joseph P. et al., 2001). Exposure to this toxic metal also severely affects the function of the nervous system (L’opez E. et al., 2003; Cao Y. et al., 2009), with symptoms including headache and vertigo, olfactory dysfunction, Parkinson-like symptoms, slowing of vasomotor functioning, peripheral neuropathy, decreased equilibrium, decreased ability to concentrate and learning disabilities (Cao Y. et al., 2009; Phil R.O. Parkes M., 1977). Presence of Cd was also detected in hair and higher concentrations of hair Cd were reported in children with mental retardation (Marlowe M., Errera J. Jacobs J., 1983) and learning difficulties or dyslexia (Phil R.O. Parkes M., 1977; Capel I. et al., 1981). There are several sources of human exposure to Cd including employment in metal industries, production of certain batteries, some electroplating processes and consumption of tobacco products (International Agency for Research on Cancer [IARC], 1993). However, food accounts for approximately 90% of the Cd intake in the general, non-smoking population since this metal is found in the soil. The quantity absorbed by crops in different locations is influenced by factors such as soil pH, salinity, crop species and varieties and the presence of other elements (e.g., zinc). Less than 10% of the total exposure occurs due to inhalation of Cd in ambient air or ingestion with drinking water (UNEP, 2010). Since Cd is dangerous to humans, a provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) or provisional tolerable monthly intake (PTMI) had to be established. PTWI is an estimate of the amount of the chemical that can be ingested weekly over a lifetime without appreciable health risk (Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO] World Health Organization [WHO], 1988). The European Union recommends a PTWI of 2.5 ÃŽ ¼g/kg of body weight (European Union [EU], 2014). The PTMI for Cd recommended by the FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (ECFA) is 25 ÃŽ ¼g/kg of body weight (FAO WHO, 2014). In 2010, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommended that the acceptable daily intake level of 0.1 à °Ã‚ Ã…“†¡g kg−1 body weight per day for chronic exposure (Mead N., 2010). Studies in several European countries have demonstrated high levels of Cd in agricultural topsoil due to the use of Cd in fertilizers and atmospheric deposition. Over the last 100 years, the increase in soil Cd concentration in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Ireland and the United Kingdom was estimated to be 7 to 43 percent (UNEP, 2010). Hence, the risk is in continuous increase and further investigation on the quality of the crops and food consumed has to be pursued. Out of the possible crops carrying Cd, cocoa, the seed of the Theobroma cacao tree (Watson R., Preedy V. Zibadi S., 2013; Lee F., 1983), is one of the most consumed by all age groups worldwide, especially by children. The large consumption of cocoa and chocolate products derived from cocoa is due to its pleasant flavor and the feeling of well-being that it gives (Watson R., Preedy V. Zibadi S., 2013). Several studies revealed the benefits of chocolate consumption due to the high levels of flavonoids and antioxidants present in cocoa based foods (Grivetti L. Shapiro H., 2009; Crozier S. al., 2011; Buitrago-Lopez A. et al., 2011). They are an important source of minerals such as Ca, P, Fe, Mg, Cu, Zn, K, and Mn (Grivetti L. Shapiro H., 2009; Peixoto R., Oliveira E. Cadore S., 2012; Pedro N., Oliveira E. Cadore S., 2006). In addition, they may prevent harmful effects caused by free radicals in the human body, contributing to the reduction of cardiovascular disease and cancer risk (Fernandez-Murga L. et al., 2011; Yao H., 2011). However, the presence of potentially toxic elements has also been reported (Rehman S. Husnain M., 2013; Yanus R. et al., 2014), particularly lead and Cd (Dahiya S. et al., 2005; Jalbani N. et al., 2009). Previous studies have been performed to test the presence of Cd in chocolate samples in several countries and the results revealed the presence of this heavy metal with a large margin of variation. In turkey 20-30 ppb were observed, in India 1 to 2730 ppb were reported, in Malaysia 280 to 420 ppb and in Pakistan 4.3 to 190 ppb were observed (Dahiya S. et al., 2005; da Silva A. et al., 2006; Dos Santos A. et al., 2005; Guldas M. et al., 2008; Lee P. and Low T., 1985; Leggli C.et al., 2011). In Oakland, California, the non-profit organization As You Sow (AYS) tested Cd levels in 42 products, 26 of which contained lead and/or Cd level above what the state of California considers safe. The organization sent legal notices in the context of holding more heavy metals than allowed under the Golden State’s Proposition 65 toxic chemical warning law to 16 manufacturers including Hershey’s, See’s, Mars, Godiva, Ghirardelli, Lindt, Green and Black’s, Kroger, Whole Food s, Trader Joe’s, Earth Circle Organics, Moonstruck, Theo, and Vosges (AYS, 2015; The Washington Post, 2015). In this study, given that some of the brands commercialized worldwide are found in Lebanon, cocoa and chocolate derivatives will be tested for their Cd content. Specific Aim Various brands of chocolate, whether local or imported brands, are largely consumed in Lebanon. The main ingredients in chocolate consist of cocoa, milk and fats, each of which is a potential source of Cd. No study has been conducted till now to assess the quantity of toxic metals present in the products on the market. Hence, a study to determine Cd levels is important for chocolate consumers and manufacturers. The aim of this study is to assess Cd levels in chocolate samples mostly consumed by the Lebanese population and compare those levels to the values issued by global health organizations. Research design and methods Sample collection Different brands of dark chocolate, milk chocolate and cocoa powder are collected from different stores according to the most sold brand. The shelf life of most milk chocolate samples is one year, and 2 years for dark chocolate. Samples will be labeled and stored at a temperature between 15 and 17à ¢Ã‚ Ã‚ °C. Samples will be kept wrapped in foil and placed inside a Ziploc plastic bag so that they do not absorb the odors and moisture from the refrigerator (Subarmanian P., 1998). Microwave digestion In order to detect heavy metals in cocoa, the samples have to be digested since the matrices are organic. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), microwave digestion can be followed on chocolate samples where up to 0.5g are digested in 5mL of concentrated nitric acid and up to 2mL hydrogen peroxide (Onianwa P.C. et al. 1999; Mounicou S. et al., 2002), which can also be substituted by nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid (Gà ¼ldaÃ…Å ¸ M., Adnan F.D., Biricik F.B., 2008). The digestion is run in PTFE vessels at approximately 180 ±5à ¢Ã‚ Ã‚ °C for 15 minutes (Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 2004). The time and temperature are subject to variation in order to find the most convenient parameters for the samples tested. Wet digestion method can also be applied in the digestion of chocolate samples. The two methods are comparable in results (Jalbani N. et al., 2009). However, wet digestion requires a greater use of chemicals and causes a greater risk of contamination (Jalbani N. et al., 2009). As the samples will be used to assess both lead (Pb) and Cd, each sample is spiked with an internal standard of Pb and Cd prior to digestion (FDA, 2014). Obtained samples after digestion are reconstituted to 25mL with ultrapure distilled water in volumetric flasks then placed in vials and stored in the refrigerator (EPA, 2004; Jalbani N. et al., 2009). Atomic absorption analysis For quantitation, stock Cd and lead standard solutions of 1000mg/L each are diluted to different concentrations and a standard addition method is followed to prepare a calibration curve. Diluted Cd and lead stock standards with 1% nitric acid will be placed in nitric acid rinsed volumetric flask and stored in plastic bottles (Teflon ® FEP or HDPE bottles recommended). Both elements can be combined in the same solution (Food and Drug Administration [FDA], 2010). The heavy metal is detected by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (GFAAS). Electrodeless discharge lamps for Cd and Pb are operated, alternatively. Cd will be detected at a wavelength of 228.8 nm (FDA, 2010). Pure argon (99.999%) is used as the purge and protective gas. Different chemical modifiers will be tried to find the most convenient one such as ammonium phosphate, magnesium nitrate, phosphoric acid or others. Statistical analysis Statistical analysis will be done in two different stages. First, the mean Cd concentration of each brand of chocolate will be calculated and proportion differences for independent samples will be tested by comparing the calculated mean values to the permitted ones by Global Health Organizations. If significant differences are observed, a second step of analysis will be performed in which the studied brands are subcategorized forming a contingency table. The differences can be identified by a χ ² test thus allowing the formation of an ANOVA study to check in depth for the differences within the categories and between them. Using these methods, the most diverging categories from the norm will be identified. Expected results This study will most likely reveal the presence of Cd in chocolate samples as it has been the case in other similar studies. Some samples might have values higher than the tolerable intake specified by global health organizations. Potential problems Cd is toxic at low doses (FAO WHO, 1988; Mead N., 2010; EU, 2014; FAO WHO, 2014) and may be found in low doses in some samples as shown in previous studies (Dahiya S. et al., 2005; da Silva A. et al., 2006; Dos Santos A. et al., 2005; Guldas M. et al., 2008; Lee P. and Low T., 1985; Leggli C. et al., 2011). Accordingly, the selection of an appropriate chemical modifier for AAS analysis is very important. Several trials will be attempted in order to select the optimal type. In addition, the order and receipt of chemicals will be time consuming. Time frame Completion of the proposed aim requires duration of 3 to 4 months in order to allow for the collection of samples, sample digestion, graphite furnace analysis, evaluation and statistical analysis of the results obtained.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Advantages and disadvantages of the doctrine of precedent Essay

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the doctrine of precedent and how judges may make new law. Include 1 case where judges have made new law. The doctrine of precedent is an important feature of judge-made law (common law). This doctrine means that similar disputes should be decided by reference to the same legal principles, and that lower courts are bound to follow the decisions of higher courts within the same court hierarchy. There are both advantages and disadvantages of the doctrine of precedent and the way in which judges may make new law. An advantage of judge made law is that decisions are based on principle – meaning that judges are not making up the law as they go. The doctrine of precedent provides for consistency in the application of the law, which therefore promotes justice and fairness (as the courts will decide ‘like’ cases in the same way). There is also some degree of certainty, as the outcome of cases can be predicted based on previous decisions. The advantage of precedent is that it allows for the law to grow to meet new situations, and to be flexible to meet changing needs – which therefore provides for the efficient operation of the legal system. On the other hand, judge-made law is slow to evolve. The courts are not free to make law in the same sense as parliament. Unlike parliament, judges cannot make law as an immediate response to a community demand or when a general need is perceived. A disadvantage of precedent is that rigidity and inflexibility may develop where judges are reluctant to depart out-of-date or inappropriate precedents. Uncertainty can also arise where there is more than one precedent that may apply to a particular set of circumstances. Change may be slow and irregular because change can only occur when a complainant has a significant case that is subject to an appeal. Given the cost of litigation, not all complainants may be prepared to persist with a legal action under these circumstances. Also, the law develops retrospectively meaning that a problem must exist before the court will consider the circumstances – it does not operate to avoid possible conflicts. Landmark decisions (from which new principles develop) are few and far between. They usually arise from cases on appeal heard in the highest courts. An example of an Australian case where judges have made new law is Grant v. Australian Knitting Mills [1936] AC 85. This case involved similar  circumstances to the landmark case of Donoghue v Stevenson, [1932] AC 562. In this case the plaintiff, Dr. Grant, bought some woollen underwear from a store. The underwear had been manufactured by the Australian Knitting Mills Ltd. Dr. Grant suffered dermatitis as a result of wearing the woollen underwear. It was later discovered that the condition was caused by the excessive use of chemicals in the process used to make the underwear. According to the doctrine of precedent, the court would have applied the rule of law stated in Donoghue v. Stevenson to the case of Grant v. Australian Knitting Mills. Like Mrs. Donoghue, Dr. Grant was deemed to be a ‘neighbour’. He was a person who was closely and directly affected by the act of the manufacturer and the manufacturer ought to have had him in mind as being affected when preparing the underwear. The manufacturer had a duty to take reasonable care to avoid acts that they could reasonably foresee would be likely to injure consumers such as Dr. Grant. Dr. Grant was successful in his claim for damages. This was the first Australian case to adopt the legal principle of negligence. In summary, judges make laws by comparing similar situations and following sets of principles to determine outcomes. This is known as the doctrine of precedent and it creates common law – which has both advantages and disadvantages.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Short Article Reveals the Undeniable Facts About History Essay Topics and How It Can Affect You

Short Article Reveals the Undeniable Facts About History Essay Topics and How It Can Affect You A Startling Fact about History Essay Topics Uncovered It is an impossible task to compose a fantastic history paper if you write about something you find boring and don't care about whatsoever. Children rights ought to be defended more intensively. Find out more about the very first decade of film production to discover what themes were most common. There are several social problems in the life span of modern United States citizens. The most frequently encountered paper writing service that the vast majority of our clients require is essay writing. A superb paper topic ought to be interesting and ought to incorporate an original idea or position try to prevent cliche topics which will likely bore your reader. When you inform us about all of the paper information, we'll begin searching for an acceptable writer for your paper. Popular themes for academic papers can be seen on our site too. The second criterion is also crucial. What follows is an extensive collection of the most intriguing research topics to have you started. The last write-up needs to be concise with firm language. Below you'll find some of the best American history research topic suggestions for your paper. The multiple topics could possibly be found, for instance, in the dissertation abstracts international database. Choosing one of our suggested topics will let you start writing a thriving research paper. You have to be exceedingly thorough about choosing the topic from the huge array of topics. Selecting the most suitable essay topic can at times be rather hard. If you would like to compose the essay yourself, we believe it would be best to pick a universal subject or issue. Take into consideration this issue of the history essay you've already written before. If you would like to write a superior history essay you'd better opt for a topic that is familiar to you. Because it's a well-known subject, you'll need to be really creative to produce your essay unique. The way to the perfect essay is via WritePaperFor.Me. Nowadays it's very hard to locate a trustworthy essay writing service. Writing an excellent persuasive essay is not a simple task, however, it's achievable. History Essay Topics Options You'll locate a whole lot of health studies that show the advantages and risk of marijuana usage. It's often hard to locate objective information to present an unbiased treatment of the topic. When you decide on a research topic, make certain it is one which you understand and have a firm grasp on. Remain realistic and select a topic you're able to research. Our life is about words. One of the most important things about world history is that it's particularly full of topics, subjects, and questions. Alternatively, you will concentrate on the problem of smallpox epidemics and their part in the history of America. Among the troubles with h istory generally is that individuals consider it dull and boring. Most Noticeable History Essay Topics The area of architecture is everywhere. In so far as it's the sole kind of history that has the ability to take global aspects into consideration, global history is apparently the most dependable tool for understanding our globalized world as it is. The beauty business is massive. The attractiveness of current affairs is it shows you which you don't just dwell in a world that's a cocoon. So How About History Essay Topics? You thought that war may be coming. In reality, you might want to learn even more regarding the period of time prevents you originally begun to investigate. Any student on the planet at the present time can testify to the simple fact that from time to time teachers have a tendency to stress the demand for the student to be up to speed when it has to do with current troubles. In reality, there's so much history that unless your teacher has given you an es tablished topic it's often hard to limit your choices. There are a few things that you might have to to understand prior to that though. Write a list of ideas you've got or a list of things you're interested in. Regardless of what you say, someone is going to be offended by it. Almost everything can be an issue of History when focused in some specific ways. Where to Find History Essay Topics When prior brainstorming is finished, you can begin drafting your essay. Planning is critical in any sort of home task, from building a powerpoint presentation to supplying American Government homework help to your friend.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Innovation Of Cancer Treatment - 1940 Words

Cancer, since the beginning of history, has plagued humanity and claimed countless lives. For thousands of years, doctors could do little more than watch with horror as their patients succumbed to the often fatal condition. There is still no definite cure for cancer. However, while one might say that treatment is still in its infancy today, therapies have evolved dramatically over the last century. The innovation of chemotherapy marked a turning point in cancer treatment. Dr. Sidney Farber, a pediatric pathologist, is regarded as the father of modern chemotherapy due to his success in inducing remission in leukemia patients through the use of chemical agents. Through Dr. Farber’s innovation, chemotherapy strengthened the relationship†¦show more content†¦Today, while there is no cure for cancer, various treatments are available depending on the type and severity of the disease. Generally, tumors are surgically removed. This treatment is most often combined with other therapies such as radiation and chemotherapy (Types of Treatment). The earliest records of cancer date back to ancient times to an account on the Edwin Smith papyrus, an ancient Egyptian textbook on surgery and medicine. The writer described a woman with several tumors on her breasts along with the doctor’s futile attempts at curing her. For their conclusion, the Egyptian writer simply stated that â€Å"there is no treatment† (Bushak). Even though cancer has existed since ancient times, its basic genetic background was not discovered until 1902. Theodor Boveri, a zoologist, found that a specific type of mutated chromosomes could result in cells with an unlimited ability to divide. These types of mutations were likely the result of exposure to what are now known as carcinogens, or cancer causing substances. Carcinogens include pathogens, radiation, chemicals, and numerous other environmental factors. In 1902, even though a more complete understanding of cancer was available, the only available treatment options for patients was the remo val of surface tumors. Due to the metastatic nature of the majority of these tumors, purely surgical treatment was largely ineffective. In non-tumorous cancers, there